Information Sharing
The DCOC Information Sharing Network (ISN) consisted of the three Information Sharing Centres (ISCs) in Dar es Salaam, Mombasa and Sana’a, established in 2011. The Regional Maritime Information Sharing Centre (ReMISC) in Sana’a was then re-established in 2023 to Aden by the Government of Yemen. The ISN is a critical element of the Code aimed at enhancing maritime security and safety in the Western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden region. It facilitates collaborative knowledge-sharing among countries, organizations, and institutions committed to a secure maritime environment
Following the adoption of the Jeddah Amendment, the function of the Information Sharing Network (ISN) changed from primarily sharing of piracy-related incidents to sharing of information on wider maritime crimes. Participating States therefore agreed on the inherent need to enhance the existing regional information sharing network to meet the increased requirements of the Jeddah Amendment. Such an enhanced network would facilitate sharing of experience, national legislation, best management practices and national maritime and national maritime security strategies. The end result of this enhancement is to facilitate improved regional maritime security, law enforcement and governance capabilities in order to support maritime sector development and a sustainable blue economy, within the provisions of United Nations General Assembly resolution 70/1 on Transforming our world; the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular, Goal 14 “on Conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development” and Goal 16 “on promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”.

In November 2023, the Republic of South Africa, currently holding the Chair of the DCoC/JA Steering Committee, signed an approval letter that integrated the two MASE centers: the Regional Maritime Information Fusion Centre (RMIFC – Madagascar) and the Regional Coordination Operating Centre (RCOC – Seychelles) into the network. This action followed mutual agreement among member states, following the 2022 Dubai and Jeddah High Level Meetings, to engage in collaborative efforts with the two centers, focusing on information sharing and coordination at sea to combat illicit maritime activities. These endeavors aim to bolster Maritime Situational Awareness, enhance Maritime Threat Awareness, and ensure a legal finish. The letter of integration can be found here.

It was also agreed to establish new or revamp existsing National Maritime Information Sharing Centres (NMISCs) in each of the participating States, in order to coordinate the activities of national agencies engaged in maritime security and maritime law enforcement, and to facilitate the activities of the national maritime security and facilitation committees envisaged in Article 3 of the Jeddah Amendment. States develop National Maritime Security Committees, who oversee the establishment, enhancement and operations of NMISCs, and information they supply is utilised to develop National Maritime Security Risk Registers, contribute to the development of National Maritime Security Strategies, and assist with national maritime security decision-making. The 2021 Strategy and Roadmap that guides the enhancement of the DCoC ISN and operationalization of information sharing centres nationally, regionally and globally is provided here.
The work of developing the DCoC information Sharing Network is spearheaded by Working Group 1 on Information Sharing and iscurrently chaired by Yemen with Comoros as deputy Chair.