Djibouti Code of Conduct (DCoc)

DCoC Trust Fund

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DCoC Trust Fund

The Djibouti Code of Conduct Trust Fund is a multi-donor voluntary fund. Financial contributions may be made by Member States of the United Nations or the IMO, organizations, institutions or private individuals to support transnational maritime crime capacity building. Member States, intergovernmental organizations with which the IMO has relations and non-governmental organizations with consultative status, are also able to support the efforts of IMO by providing in-kind support.

The Djibouti Code of Conduct Trust Fund Donors to date are:-

  • France US$ 50,000.00
  • Japan US$ 15,395,184.00
  • Kingdom of the Netherlands US$ 150,428.55
  • Kingdom of Bahrain US$ 50,000.00
  • Kingdom of Denmark US$ 1,524,990.00
  • Malta US$ 16,835.00
  • Norway US$  40,636.53
  • Republic of Korea US$ 492,291.00
  • Saudi Arabia US$ 250,000.00
  • United Kingdom $85,841.91
  • Bahrain ship-owners US$ 50,000.00
  • The Marshall Islands US$ 100,000.00
  • United Nations Trust Fund US$ 378,530.00
  • EU CRIMARIO II project – US$ 120,000.00
  • Indian Ocean Commission (IOC)

The Fund remains open for donations to assist the IMO to counter piracy and other transnational maritime crimes within the Djibouti Code of Conduct framework. To read more about this initiative, click to download the Djibouti Code of Conduct and/or the Jeddah Amendment. In order to contribute to this important initiative,

Write to us:

The DCoC Team,

IMO Regional Presence Office,

United Nations Complex Gigiri,

Block P – Middle Level,

P.O. Box 30218 (00100) Nairobi, Kenya.

Email Us:

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