Capacity Building - Working Group 2
Following a round of discussions from working groups at the High Level Meeting on Capacity Building Coordination for Enhanced Maritime Security in the Western Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden and Donor Forum, held in Mombasa, Kenya, between the 13th and 14th November 2019, it was agreed that the implementation of the DCoC(JA) shall be delivered under a governance framework that comprises a Steering Committee, a Working Group on Information Sharing and a Working Group on Capacity Building Coordination. These terms of reference are applicable to the Working Group on Capacity Building Coordination (hereinafter referred to as Working Group 2).
The Working Group on Capacity Building acknowledges the existence of the DCoC Regional Training Centre (DRTC).
The Working Group will consider the DRTC for capacity building initiatives but may also recognize other centres with capabilities in a bid to establish a strong maritime capacity building coordination on all aspects of maritime security.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Working Group 2 shall identify the priority action areas for capacity building.
- Working Group 2 shall develop a Work Plan highlighting the short, medium and long term plans setting out the agreed areas of capacity building within the parameters of the DCoC(JA) and submit this to the Steering Committee for its approval.
- Working Group 2 shall call on donor support in line with the identified needs and capabilities including for capacity building for the DRTC.
- Working Group 2 shall ensure coordination with other stakeholders on maritime security, including (but not limited to), industry, naval operations and countering transnational maritime crimes, to ensure that capacity building efforts are aligned with other international efforts.
- Working Group 2 shall monitor the ongoing delivery of the Work Plan, providing reports on delivery implementation to the Steering Committee, highlighting any issues along with appropriate recommendations for their mitigation, at least ten (10) working days in advance of each Steering Committee meeting.
- Working Group 2 shall provide ad hoc updates, technical advice and guidance to the Steering Committee as and when requested by the Steering Committee.
- Working Group 2 shall ensure effective programme management consistent with the principles of transparency and accountability.
- Working Group 2 shall follow the decisions and direction provided by the Steering Committee.
More details on the Terms of Reference for Working Group Two on Capacity Building can be downloaded below: