Steering Committee
Following the High Level Meeting on Capacity Building Coordination for Enhanced Maritime Security in the Western Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden and Donor Forum, held in Mombasa, Kenya, between the 13th and 14th November 2019, it was agreed that the implementation of the DCoC(JA) shall be delivered under a governance framework that comprises of a Steering Committee, a Working Group on Information Sharing and a Working Group on Capacity Building Coordination.
These terms of reference are applicable to the Steering Committee.
Roles and Responsibilities
- The Steering Committee shall serve as the oversight body, providing strategic direction and decisions on the needs, priorities, and issues related to information sharing and capacity-building coordination on maritime security in the region.
- This shall take into account the recommendations of the Working Groups on Information Sharing and Capacity Building Coordination.
- The Steering Committee shall approve the Work Plans (comprising short-, medium-, and long-term goals) developed by the Working Groups on Information Sharing and Capacity Building Coordination.
- It will also maintain oversight of Work Plan delivery by encouraging Signatory States to implement the agreed goals. These Work Plans, based on the concept of mutual accountability, will form the basis for international donor support and engagement.
- The Steering Committee shall provide decisions, advice, and guidance, as appropriate, on any matters raised by the Working Groups on Information Sharing and Capacity Building Coordination, other future Working Groups, and/or by Signatory States.
- The Steering Committee shall support and encourage consensus among the Signatory States on future arrangements and responsibilities.
- The Steering Committee will ensure effective programme management, consistent with the principles of transparency and accountability.
- The Chairperson of the Djibouti Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment shall chair meetings of the Steering Committee and National Focal Points (NFPs) and provide strategic guidance to the Secretariat on the day-to-day follow-up of agreed actions.
- The Chairperson of the High-Level Meetings shall be elected on the day of the meeting, with the Chairperson of the DCoC serving as the Co-Chair.
More on the Terms of Reference of the Steering Committee can be downloaded below:
