My name is Stella Joshua Katondo. I am the Director for Transport Environment and Safety in the Ministry of Works and Transport in the United Republic of Tanzania.

Q.1 How has women’s participation helped the DCoC/JA mandate since inception to date?
Tanzania, as a member State of the Jeddah Amendment to the Djibouti Code of Conduct (DCoC/JA), is largely dependent on maritime safety and security training delivered through DCoC/JA programs. The participation of Tanzanian women in the maritime field has significantly helped the DCoC/JA mandate, particularly in capacity building and in its efforts to develop maritime situational awareness. The training offered by DCoC/JA clearly prioritizes qualified women, resulting in more capable women being nominated to attend trainings aimed at enhancing their capabilities in maritime safety and security. Today, we have a good number of capable women responsible for ensuring maritime safety and security, including those in port, customs, administration, and even legal authorities.

Q. 2 What do you intend to celebrate during the International Women in Maritime Day celebrations on May 18, 2023?
On May 18, 2023, the Association for Women in the Maritime Sector in Eastern & Southern Africa (WOMESA) Tanzania Chapter will join fellow association members in celebrating the International Women in Maritime Day (IWIDM). We have planned the following activities to raise the profile of women in the maritime industry:
- Showcasing Flyers
We have prepared flyers to showcase members’ responsibilities in the maritime industry, which will be posted on members’ WhatsApp status. This is aimed at inspiring other women, especially young women.

- Programme
There will be a Forum dubbed Maritime Talks whereby;
- Role models in the industry will give motivational speeches to young attendees regarding good conduct and integrity in relation to working in the maritime industry.
- Young achievers will provide testimonials to their peers who aspire to work in the maritime industry.
- Training Launching
We will launch the “Mentors to Mentees” programme, where 50 women (25 seniors and 25 young ladies) will undergo a two-day mentorship training at the Danous Shipping Company Ltd. Training Centre in Zanzibar. The objective of the programme is to pair experienced mentors with young women for mentorship in the maritime industry. This will be an ongoing program depending on the availability of funds.