Djibouti Code of Conduct (DCoc)

EU Port Security Project

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EU Port Security Project

The South Atlantic and Indian Oceans, joining the Americas, East Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia, contain maritime trade routes critical to the economic development and prosperity of the Global South. For this reason, the port facilities that link these routes require strong regional cooperation, robust maritime enforcement institutions, and rigorous compliance regimes, that adhere to international standards for safety and security.

In addition to the ongoing activities delivered through the Global Maritime Security Integrated Technical Cooperation Programme, and the current technical assistance provided to Djibouti Code of Conduct signatory States, IMO Maritime Security Section is embarking on a new programme of activities on Port Security and Safety of Navigation in Eastern and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean.

Sponsored by the European Union, under the overall strategic direction of the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), the project will be implemented jointly with the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).  Whilst IMO will focus on the port security and safety aspects of navigation, our partners will work on the law enforcement aspects of the Project. Recipient countries include Angola, Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles and Tanzania.    


As globalization continues to expand to currently underserved areas in Eastern and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean (EA-SA-IO), it is imperative that concrete interventions are taken to address these issues, by strengthening port regulation institutions and compliance with international standards for port safety and security.

The main goals of the project are to:

  1.  To strengthen the capacity of safety of navigation authorities in the EA-SA-IO region    
  2.  To support the development of port security legislation and the related compliance frameworks
  3.  To develop a regional information-sharing mechanism and data exchange system on cargo and passengers.

Working in partnership with the recipient countries, IMO will deliver a number of key initiatives which will strengthen maritime security at both National Government and port levels. 

These include strategic elements such as support for the development of national maritime security committees, support for enhanced government oversight capability of SOLAS Chapter XI-2 and ISPS Code security measures at ports, national tabletop exercises, assistance in the preparation of port facility security assessments and port facility security plans as well support in the planning and conduct of maritime security drills and exercises.  

This comprehensive suite of technical assistance activities promotes the delivery of long term and sustained improvements in maritime security within the recipient countries and across EA, SA and IO region.